I had my first memorable dream in the longest time. I can’t remember the beginning, but the highlight was being cast as Lyra but being coached by Meryl Streep a la the Devil Wears Prada. She was very disappointed with my acting skills but tried to be enthusiastic nonetheless. This was in the pool at camp. It was with some of the big-kid group and Josie. It wasn’t strange that I was cast as Lyra but it was strange that I was cast as Lyra and the biggest worries were that I wasn’t blonde (apparently, not being 11-12 was not a big deal though I could’ve been 11-12-18 in the dream because I felt the campers were my peers ’cause I wouldn’t have had an acting coaching session at work, that’s unprofessional!) and and that it would interrupt my education because filming starts 4th September! I was swirling around in the water and Meryl Streep was telling me I had to be more ragamuffin about swirling around. Taryn and Genile came in with some of the little kids including the two sisters that come to camp for the full eight weeks of summer (this summer and last). Being cast as Lyra no longer became a big deal because they were all wearing the most ridiculous hair… It was that badly-dyed shade of blonde that’s kind of yellow and they were coiled. They weren’t coiled like curls and or ringlets, but very stringy and very tightly so that they looked tacky and like plastic springs. This bad hair distressed me, even more than having to interrupt my academic career to play Lyra.

I was thinking Meryl Streep but googling (or making a Google branded search of) Glenn Close.