Day 02 Your first love

I don’t think I’ve experienced love in a way that I would justify writing about… so instead I’ll tell you about a boy from my childhood.   His name was Randy (for serious) and we were in grade one or two together (the years blur, because I had the same teacher in the same classroom and many of my classmates moved up the grade with me).  We used to go over to each others’ houses for lunch.  We would eat KD with ketchup and watch Power Rangers together.  It was lovely.

And then he moved to Kitchener.

The end.

Les autres:

Day 03 Your parents
Day 04 Your music
Day 05 Your definition of love
Day 06 Your hobbies
Day 07 Your best friend
Day 08 A precious item
Day 09 Your beliefs
Day 10 An inspiration
Day 11 Your siblings
Day 12 What’s in your bag
Day 13 Your mode of transportation
Day 14 Where you live
Day 15 Something you love about yourself
Day 16 Your first kiss
Day 17 Your favorite memory
Day 18 Your favorite birthday
Day 19 Something you regret
Day 20 Your morning routine
Day 21 Your job and/or schooling
Day 22 Something that upsets you
Day 23 Something that makes you feel better
Day 24 Something that makes you cry
Day 25 Your sleeping habits
Day 26 Your fears
Day 27 Your favorite place
Day 28 Something that you miss
Day 29 Your favorite foods/drinks
Day 30 Your aspirations