My dear friend Ronni has been writing “30 Days of Me” and is just about reaching the end now.  I’ve been having trouble keeping up with blogging, or writing in general (a lot of it went into notebooks in the first half of 2010), and I think it would be a great idea to take this up as a writing exercise.  And what else do I do but write about myself anyways? =P

Day 01 Introduce yourself

Okay… Hi, I’m Jess, and I am a time and a place.  I started at a new school about a month and a half ago, so there were plenty of introductions going around.  “I did my undergrad at McGill,” “I’m from Toronto,” “I studied East Asian and Middle East studies,” et cetera. While those basic introductions are important, I think if I wanted you to know things about me that aren’t just facts from my transcripts, I would probably tell you that much of what I am and what I identify with comes from a place and a time. Read the rest of this entry »